충남대학교 의과대학원 의학박사 (2017)
부산대학교 의학대학원 의무석사 (2012)
GC녹십자의료재단 진단검사의학부 전문의 (2017~)
충남대학교병원 전공의 (2013~2017)
Gaps and Similarities in Research Use LOINC Codes Utilized in Korean University Hospitals: Towards Semantic Interoperability for Patient Care
2024Journal of Korean Medical Science오예진
신빙도조사사업 다빈도 항목의 LOINC 적용
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일반혈액 및 일반화학 항목에 대한 신빙도조사사업 검사 항목과 건강보험요양급여, LOINC 코드 매핑 예비 연구
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Evaluation of the WASPLab Digital Image Software (PhenoMATRIX) for Automated Interpretation of Urine Culture Plates
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Epidemiology and Subtype Distribution of Blastocystis Among Asymptomatic Volunteers in South Korea: A Multicenter Study
2023Annals of Clinical Microbiology오예진
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2023대한임상검사정도관리협회 춘계학술대회오예진
Recent trends in seroprevalence of rubella in Korean women of childbearing age: a cross-sectional study
2020BMJ journals오예진
Understanding the patient population and test utilization for hepatitis B virus testing.
2019J Clin Lab Anal.오예진
FFP conversion 문헌고찰
의료기관 환경의 레지오넬라 배양 및 최신 검사법
2019대한의료관련감염관리학회 학술대회오예진
Comparison of Abbott RealTime EBV Assay, EBV ELITe MGB kit and AccuPower EBV Quantification PCR kit for detecting Epstein-Barr virus in plasma
폐포자충(Pneumocystis jirovecii) 검사의 임상적 의의와 검사 결과 해석 시 알아야 할 점
Pyrosequencing-based quantitative measurement of CALR mutation allele burdens and their clinical implications in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasm
2018Clin Chim Acta오예진
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