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GC Labs의 전문의를 소개합니다.

이상곤 Sang Gon Lee

연세대학교 의학사 (1998)


GC녹십자의료재단 대표원장(2024~)

GC녹십자의료재단 진단검사의학본부 원장(2023)
GC녹십자의료재단 수석부원장 (2021~2022)
녹십자의료재단 진단검사의학부 부원장 (2009~2020)
녹십자의료재단 진단검사의학부 전문의 (2005~)
성균관대학교 외래전임강사 (2006~2008)
삼성서울병원 전임의 (2003~2004)
삼성서울병원 전공의 (1999~2003)

  • Development and Validation of a Novel Isotope Dilution-Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Serum C-Peptide
    2024Annals of Laboratory Medicine이상곤
  • Mutation spectrum of NF1 gene in Korean unrelated patients with neurofibromatosis 1: Six novel pathogenic variants
    2024Journal of Genetic Medicine이상곤
  • Gender differences in hepatitis A seropositivity rates according to the Republic of Korea’s vaccination policy
    2024Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives이상곤
  • Comparative Analysis of Seven Equations for Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Their Impact on Chronic Kidney Disease Categorization in Korean Patients at Local Clinics and Hospitals
    2024Journal of Clinical Medicine이상곤
  • Effect of Adding Apolipoprotein B Testing on the Prevalence of Dyslipidemia and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in the Korean Adult Population
  • The experience and reflections of GC labs as an independent clinical laboratory to the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea
    2023BMC Infectious Diseases이상곤
  • Exploring Utilization and Establishing Reference Intervals for the Apolipoprotein B Test in the Korean Population
    2023Diagnostics (Basel)이상곤
  • Report of the Korean Association of External Quality Assessment Service on Serological Tests for Syphilis (2020–2021)
    2023Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance이상곤
  • Investigation of the Prevalence of Diminished Ovarian Reserve in Korean Women of Reproductive Age
    2023Journal of Clinical Medicine이상곤
  • The Utilization of Serum Folate and Homocysteine Tests and the Prevalence of Folate Deficiency in Reproductive-Age Korean Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Development and Validation of Multiple Equations for Low-Density Lipoprotein and Apolipoprotein B in Korean Patients Visiting Local Clinics and Hospitals
  • Utilization of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Test and the Prevalence of Enzyme Deficiency in Korea
    2023Journal of Clinical Medicine이상곤
  • Different interpretations of inconclusive results of SARS-CoV-2 real-time RT PCR
    2023Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease이상곤
  • Understanding the Utilization of the Krebs von den Lungen 6 Test in a Clinical Laboratory
    2023Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia Indicated for Intravenous Iron Treatment in the Korean Population
  • Understanding Utilization and Seroprevalence of Syphilis Tests in Local Clinics and Hospitals in Korea
    2023Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Clinical Usefulness of Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Low Serum Testosterone Measurement
    2023Annals of Laboratory Medicine이상곤
  • Implementation and Validation of an Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Quantifying Levetiracetam and Lamotrigine in Serum Specimens
    2022Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance이상곤
  • Seroprevalence of Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies in Korea
    2022Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Intra-Individual Changes in Total Procollagen-Type 1 N-terminal Propeptide in a Korean Adult Population
  • Alterations in Glomerular Filtration Rates Using Different Algorithms in the Korean Population Visiting Local Clinics and Hospitals
    2022Journal of Clinical Medicine이상곤
  • Utilization of Small Dense Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Testing in Korean Patients Visiting Local Clinics and Hospitals
  • Reference intervals of anti-Müllerian hormone in Korean women
    2022Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis이상곤
  • Lipoprotein(a) in the Korean Pediatric Population Visiting Local Clinics and Hospitals
  • Method Performance Verification of Anti-GAD65 and Anti-Insulin antibody Assays
    2022Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Patient Population and Test Utilization for Thyroid Function in Local Clinics and Hospitals in Korea
  • Recent information on test utilization and intraindividual change in anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody in Korea: a retrospective study
    2022BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care이상곤
  • Biological variation and reference change values of serum Mac-2–binding protein glycosylation isomer (M2BPGi)
    2022Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 이상곤
  • Intraindividual Changes in Mac-2 Binding Protein Glycosylation Isomer (M2BPGi) Performed in Korean Subjects
    2022Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Intraindividual Changes in Rheumatoid Factor and Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody Tests in Korean Patients Visiting Local Clinics and Hospitals
    2022Journal of Clinical Medicine이상곤
  • Recent Information on Vitamin D Deficiency in an Adult Korean Population Visiting Local Clinics and Hospitals
    2022 Nutrients이상곤
  • Underutilization of diagnostic assays for celiac disease in Korea
  • Implementation and Validation of a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Method for Pristanic Acid and Phytanic Acid Quantification in Plasma Specimens
    2021Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance이상곤
  • Validation of multiple equations for estimating low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in Korean adults
    2021Lipids in Health and Disease이상곤
  • Prevalence of Folate Deficiency in Korean Women of Reproductive Age Using a Serum Folate Assay Traceable to the WHO International Standard
    2021Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Utilization of Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Local Clinics and Hospitals and Intraindividual Changes in Korean Patients
    2021Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Association Among Glycemic Biomarkers in Korean Adults: Hemoglobin A1c, Fructosamine, and Glycated Albumin
    2021Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Test Utilization for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor Antibody and Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin Assays in Korea
    2021Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Seroprevalence of CMV IgG and IgM in Korean women of childbearing age
    2021Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis이상곤
  • Reference interval for Korean Serum Flolate Assay Traceable to WHO international Standard
    2021Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Test Utilization for Thyroglobulin and Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody Assays in Korea
    2021Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Thyroid Function Tests in the First Trimester of Pregnancy According to Maternal Age in Asia
    2021Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Time Points for Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Stimulation Test Results in Korean Children
    2021Journal of Clinical Medicine이상곤
  • Test utilization for the diagnosis of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency in local clinics in Korea
    2020J Clin Lab Anal.이상곤
  • 검사원가와 재정관리
  • Recent Seroprevalence of Anti-hepatitis A IgG in the Korean Population: a Large, Population-based Study
    2020Lab Med Online이상곤
  • Preeclampsia Screening Using the Ratio of Soluble FMS-Like Tyrosine Kinase-1 to Placental Growth Factor During Pregnancy in Pregnant Korean Women
    2020Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Validation of Temperature Preservation in Specimen Transportation Systems
    2020Lab Med Online이상곤
  • Recent trends in seroprevalence of rubella in Korean women of childbearing age: a cross-sectional study
    2020BMJ journals이상곤
  • Understanding the patient population and test utilization for hepatitis B virus testing.
    2019J Clin Lab Anal.이상곤
  • Structure of medical cost in current insurance system
    2019LMCE 2019 & KSLM 60th Annual Meeting이상곤
  • Prevalence of elevated lipoprotein(a) levels in Korean: A large population-based study
    2019Clinical Investigation이상곤
  • 임상화학검사, 원가와 수가의 구조 이해하기
    2019대한임상화학회 춘계학술대회이상곤
  • Evaluation of the Serum Mac-2 Binding Protein Glycosylation Isomer Test used for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Liver Fibrosis and the Correlation of Mac-2 Binding Protein Glycosylation Isomer with Hemoglobin A1c
    2019Clinical Laboratory이상곤
  • Harmonization of Laboratory Results by Data Adjustment in Multicenter Clinical Trial
    2018Korean J of Internal Medicine이상곤